We have a love prediction for Bachelorette Season 21’s Rachel, episode aired 6/26/17

We got two contenders for Bachelorette Rachel’s heart. One’s white, one’s black, both are well-earned professionals.

ABC’s web site for Bachelorette

Nick Viall Bachelor Season posts

Airs on ABC on Monday nights at 8pm

The first of this two part series aired on my birthday.

Rachel really seems to like Bryan and had given him a date rose.

She went on a one-on-one date with Jack, figuring they both live in Dallas, they were both lawyers. It was a no go. Jack got sent home.

At that night’s rose ceremony, the following got a rose.

Got roses below
…Bryan-got group date rose

Grant and Iggy were sent home.

Everybody packed and the action moved to Oslo, Norway. Rachel signed up Bryan for a one-on-one date. They went rappelling off a ski lift of all things and Bryan did, of course, get a date rose.

Two roses in a row? I think she likes this guy.

Then the infamous testosterone twins, Lee and Kenny, had a two on one date….to be continued.

It was quite a 2 on 1 date with Lee lying about Kenny and with Kenny always wanting to fight it out. Rachel sent Lee home but gave Kenny the date rose.

We will see both Lee and Kenny in the future I suspect….on Bachelor or Paradise or some such.

At the next rose ceremony, Josiah and Anthony did not get a rose and went home.

Rachel had two more one on one dates, one with Eric and one with Will.

Will didn’t make it and got sent home.

Below I have those left, if I’m not too confused:


I see a real possibility between Rachel and Bryan. She gave him two roses in a row and the kisses seem real.

Bryan is a chiropractor from Florida, he is 37 years old and for reasons I don’t understand, he has a picture of Rachel in his yearbook.

As second choice I’d choose Dean although he is about six years younger than Rachel and this fact was greatly discussed by the guys in the house.

You got to know they suspect it too.

Dean lives in Dallas, is a lawyer, and has a dog.

Dean is 26 while Rachel is 32.

So those are the guesses. Stay with us, we’re almost never right.

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Or something.

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